Weekly Social Gatherings
WAARC members like to meet over a meal, not only because hams like to eat, but also to discuss ham radio projects and activities. There are various opportunities each week to join us for a meal and conversation related to ham radio.
Club members gather for breakfast each Saturday. We rotate among several restaurants in the local area; the location is announced on the club’s groups.io email reflector, and is also displayed on the calendar.
You can also listen on the 146.760 (- offset) repeater on Saturday mornings; anyone going to breakfast can give you guidance for where breakfast is that day. Feel free to come out and join us.

On Monday mornings, there is a “Boat Anchor Breakfast” at Sandy’s restaurant on Richmond Road in Lightfoot. Contrary to the name, you do not have to have an interest in older radio gear to attend.
If Breakfast is too early in the day, there is a weekly lunch gathering on Wednesdays at 11:30am at Anna’s Italian Restaurant on Richmond Rd in Williamsburg.
Breakfast Locations
Here is a list of popular locations for breakfast, along with address information for reference. Click on the link for a map.
- Larry’s Italian Restaurant, 6380-F Richmond Rd, Lightfoot (map)
- First Saturday of each month
- Golden Corral, 218 Bypass Road, Williamsburg (map)
- Second Saturday of each month
- Las Paisanos Mexican Restaurant (was National Pancake House): 7103 Pocahontas Trail (Route 60 East), Williamsburg (map)
- Third Saturday of each month
- Sandy’s, 6495 Richmond Road, Lightfoot (map)
- Fourth Saturday of each month
- Las Paisanos Mexican Restaurant: 7103 Pocahontas Trail (Route 60 East), Williamsburg (map)
- Fifth Saturday of a month
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